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visit the minds of Brazilian free, thoughts and philosophies of Brazil


1200 - There are some leaders who have many traumas visible church in discharging their daily frustrations and agony. And nobody says anything, not even to help him, because "Who is mad at this." The sovereignty of the religion is dangerous, because every time that happened was a lot of problems. Every Christian should consider whether the doctrines are shown to him really good and represents the true will of God or the will of the religious leader that the times have traumas and limitations pessoais.Teólogo joilson of Assisi

1201 - The worst mistake is to think of a leader that is perfect and does not require any aperfeiçoação. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1202 - Some may say a thousand times praise and votes of applause about another person he did not listen and seek to alleviate many qualities to deserve such praise. And if the praise they usually still be angry, as if dissatisfied with the success others. But when you hear something that point as an error on someone, an alleged defect or failure, are so great that it seems amazing that the world will end. Are talking about this issue for years as a kind of stool that has never stink. Are keen to demonstrate against alleged errant grandíssima showing their indignation. Such people are dangerous. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1203 - A friend advised his partner and neighbor to buy a large umbrella, because that month and used the rain too. His friend followed your advice and was given the store where he sold it and bought its baratinha huge umbrella. When he returned to his home fell a heavy rain that does not hurt to follow your journey more smoothly. During the day it is next to his friend who had advised a few moments ago, he desperately sought shelter under a tree, it was caught unprepared. By far he said: Ta seeing the great idea I had? You are very silly, Where is your umbrella? Then quietly follows his path as his friend was wrong to see leaving because of heavy rain in their eyes. The poor friend had no money to buy your umbrella and expecting the end of the month to buy your own. Hours after that he was with the umbrella had come home to relax and follow your friend gets soaked with water and mud with a very strong flu and headache which later became strong pneumonia. Sick and suffering its visinho the trip and says: After this, take more care and not go further in the rain.
Moral of the story: There are people who are benefited from many councils and then forget to whom the author has to assume as they think is wise. Of the many fruits of the successful councils adviser and does not eat the shell. This is the unfair nature of man. The hypocrisy is a characteristic of human beings, all have a little of this evil, but some are entirely taken by this terrible defect. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1204 - Many pastors live preaching their inner agony, as if in outflow was anointing and authority and use the stick when not watching the right place to crash and some of them only know use it forgetting the staff. Treats the church as a herd of horses, donkeys and not sheep. The reprimand STILL loses its effect and the people you get used to it. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1205 - Many are not happy in paradise and thus end up in hell outside and realize this. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1206 - A leader must deal with their personal traumas. Friends, wives and children should help to heal some wounds that are not internal to turn into an irreversible disease, thereby undermining the work and your career. Support any failure of someone to bring it to establish it and to die (figuratively) in this situation wrong. The biggest challenge of a leader is to lead themselves, their qualities and defects.

Theologian joilson of Assisi

1207 - In the tribulation, the storm should do with the eagle to get rid of that awful storm, quickly rises above the highest clouds where the rain and lightning did not reach. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1208 - It's time who is the man. Time is an agent before he reveals any mask remains forever. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1209 - When I hit not recognized, error when I am killed. The world is this way, this is the environment that we live on earth. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1210 - THE FIELD OF GOD AND ITS CONTROL - Comment number 11 - Do you really think God is in control of this mess called the world? So if he is in control, all the miseries that happen here [and your permission, will, as anyone the power to do anything. This mess was allowed to control God or absence of God? He gave the land to their children to men and the world is the name given to human organization that acts independently of God and his will. The problems that exist in the land area held by the absence of which I am, not for His failure, therefore nothing to diminish, but by the inability of man to obey him as sovereign. The field extends the eternal things that are pre-established its laws. You can dominate most everything that does not require the master and there is the fact of delegation of authority and autonomy of decision that was handed to the man in Eden.
Destroy the earth and its purity, the rivers and seas are polluted and devastated everything that is called nature and increasingly we are only on this planet and yet they say that God is in the field. Yes we are listening to the voice of Satan the destroyer and doing what is their nature. Humanity is the domain of Lucifer and father is the devil. The domain of God is optional, not compulsory to anyone, then, whoever obeys. Some speak of the domain of God if He was in control and nothing escape him. But, that God would author or cooparticipante of all our miseries. He did not prevent Adam from sin, and Cain to kill Abel, people's pre-diluvial corrupt and differs from him, this leads us to believe that this area in the world is morally optional. The mess is a lack of worldwide field of God, some still in error and misery saying that God is in the area of their lives. Is that right? My kingdom is eternal, is not of this world. My field is eternal is not of this world, said Jesus.
Not a leaf falls from a tree without the permission of God, or one of these sparrows without the Lord and let all your hairs are numbered, shows a careful and God encourages us to enter this field. These verses show a monitor and not a divine manipulation. The nature is controlled by God, but not the mind of man, because it can be to rebel against Him
Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God and the Bible shows that the kingdom of darkness. The Kingdom of God dominated by God and the kingdom of darkness dominated by Satan the prince of darkness or the kingdom of darkness dominated by the Lord? Jesus advises us to seek first the kingdom of God (domain) for the other things you are added. Because the real prosperity of man is only the area of Christ on your life. Currently the world is as evil in the Bible says, or in your area. The church is supposed that the exception rule, it is the kingdom of God among us as the scriptures say. But there is a huge desire to Satan to increase his kingdom among men and for the trick that leaves as shown in Revelation. If God dominate everything unconditionally without free will dominate the mind of Satan and it would be wrong. Would not allow so much misery, misery on the face of the earth. If you do not do this is that there are something that feeds, maintain the evil. Seek first the kingdom of God, the domain of it, leave area of the world, the flesh, the devil, this is called only Christ that many link to the Church and clerical work and some unnecessary to stop working because of misunderstood verses.
The moral domain of God is composed of volunteers and not slaves, because it enslaves the devil. If there is the kingdom of darkness and principalities and powers is a type of field. If it were not so the enemy would not have offered the kingdoms of the earth and its glory to Jesus, because everything I was "good to see that Adam has come to our planet earth. The Bible speaks of the kingdoms of the earth that God will raise against the battle of Armageddon, then this means that The Lord does not know these nations and their kings, unless he put something that dominates against himself, if this would be a madness. In the moral world, the sovereignty of God and relate to their area of the man who will be malignant and totally contradictory to that nature was created. God calls us to cordially in his field, because there is only one true freedom, excellence and achievement and will one day that this area will be over all land on the children's justice and peace in Christ, amen.
Theologian joilson of Assisi

1211 - The man is mad things, seeks life on other planets and constellations and spend millions of money for this, as it destroyed the lives that are around us. Kiss From a little flower to an elephant, we are destroying everything and making ever more solitary. Eventually there will be a day that only men on earth, lonely. Eventually a day will only be men on earth, lonely and greedy desiring to hear a song of a bird and a drink pure water. How foolish we are destroyers. But if we find another planet like earth that we will do the same here. What a shame. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1212 - For the world who is not qualified for nothing, is nothing. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1213 - Nobody can beat nature, but can make some agreed with her or meet your requirements. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1214 - One of the best ways to avoid problems is not to get involved in silly things or do things of insignificant issue. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1215 - Who has one goal should be devoted to it. Search wisely means and ways for their realization. Be a little aggressive with it because the sleepers and who has nothing to noble goals must also have a noble behavior. The individual who has something that aims to qualify for it. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1216 - You can only be betrayed by those you trust or something entrusted. No one can be betrayed by those who do not trust or gave something of importance. No one is betrayed by the enemy but the friend. Pr Josenildo Batista

1217 - One of the worst enemy of man is the Marasma. It is a prejudice qualified in every way. When there is no progress from the injury is immediate. When progress is not regresses: Marasma mold produces in the soul, the rust together aprodece ideas. Life requires strength; the sleepiness leads to misery and the misery accommodation. The satisfaction does not mean that the living accommodation is a step forward. The worst thing in the world is looking back and observe, understand that nothing has changed nothing moved, nothing added, nothing was happening, nothing good was located and nothing is taken for bad. The slump is a prison and there are specialists in demons taunt him in prison because the person is losing at least the time of life that is the most precious thing he has, is automatically a regression. The buried talent produce nothing You do not like the slump with their talents. Progress has to exist or that size of a small ant. Not that interest in the talent something has to be added. The slump is a custody cold, no light, no color, no company, no windows and doors. It atrophy, prevents the normal rhythm of things. The slump is a prison that some demons use to make the life of a hell on earth. It is water, which creates slime and rot, is a closing of roads that impedes progress.
The slump is married to the routine and likes to take her to where she is very boring. Unfortunately only some of stagnation when will died, because this is the only progress that look. We have to be enemies of the stagnation and seek to expel all that far for this terrible evil. Personally I believe the slump is a component of the fire of hell. Life is a progress and stagnation in a dark death, a hellish prison. Marasma disqualifies the existence and makes it useless, it would be better that there had not emerged, not emerging, not established what you go through life without fruit, producing what was to produce. It is a behavioral and misery is the will of the devil that he exists and the will of God that the slump is banned.
No peace with the slump only disturbance of mind, is a black abyss, a virus, an invisible prison. It is an evil that produces various ills, is a disease, a saltpeter. God is the Lord of life and progress needs to continue this progress. The body progresses, the need of constant progress, the movement of the stimulus and the power to follow this law. Life needs to go next, produce, cause and be caused, change, change, be transformed, right, wrong, be afraid, take courage, joy, to speak, afraid to produce courage, manifest joy, victory and have some failures ... Unlike her set, regresses, fails completely. Any slump is reprimanded in the name of Jesus the Lord of life and progress. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1218 - Love is like an ocean, people usually see only the surface and not realize it contains the world, rich in beauty and detail. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1219 - Love is like oxygen to not realize its strength and importance until it lacking in some moments that seem an eternity. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1220 - True love is the simplicity of the honeycombs. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1221 - Sometimes over-confidence kills more than the fear. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1222 - Some confuse peace with accommodation. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1223 - Some walk in the forest of life full of rabid lions lightly as if they were walking. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1224 - The whispers to the ear of the person who loves us is the most beautiful of melodies. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1225 - The comfort is love. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1226 - Some confuse slow, lerdeza with patience. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1227 - Just the idea that love is there some lonely hearts meet and find reasons to exist. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1228 - The three storms that may come on man: 1 in disobedience, ex.: Jonas; 2 to cause disobedience eg. The ap. Paul in his travels; 3 the storms of the nature of daily life that must be addressed with faith, wisdom and normality. Jesus is God calm the waters. The despair of anything good, the action is better than despair. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1229 - Agradecimento end - The Almighty and eternal God, creator of heaven and earth, I dedicate my life and talent, as have him. The God That we do not know in its entirety, but the little we know we are amazed by its magnitude. The deep waters of high science and who understand and Eternal? Your laws are for our benefit and your presence more than necessary water to support life.
Who is the man without you God? It's like a worm is born, grows and dies, then it is not more its place. It is your existence that gives meaning to my existence, is your idea that does my road have a purpose, a purpose is not something bizarre and released into the air. On the day that you see face to face, you know full and then praise your majesty as I did, gave me the opportunity to exist and not only that more than actually live, because there is life away from you! Sciences that created and we only studied the laws inside and outside of us show a great inscrutable, unfathomable. O of high magnitude. Living is thinking and I exist because there is no life without thought without the idea, without sense. Outside of this area not spend cold, is the thought that the heat is necessary to our existence. Praised be my Lord and my God sustains all of existence, glory to Him forever Amen Pastor Evangelista Joilson Assis da Silva

CHAPTER 41 - Thoughts of the 1230 volume NUMERO 2

1230 - continues ...
The next volume is over two thousand thoughts of philosophical theologian joilson of Assisi and soon will be placed on this page.
In volume two the author focuses their thoughts on relationships between power, love, hate, the idea of himself and of God, to religion. The metaphysical, the physical, the imaginary and real. The volume two is bringing a profound philosophy that will make you travel in universes contained in the ideas. You can only read the book puzzle with thousands of dreams of discernment of dreams and visions. You can also read the book to avoid a great book that combines philosophy, theology and psychology.

Note: If someone used with the permission of the author, some of these phrases, you should put the full name at the end of the sentence.
Author: joilson de Assis Silva and artistic name joilson Assis da Silva forename
Address: Rua dos Avelozes, 03 - Malvinas - Campina Grande - Paraíba - CEP: 58100-000 - Phone 083 88924192 083 91580800 083 20991016 Brazil calls

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