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sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

theological thoughts of the world

CHAPTER 26 - Thoughts of NUMERO 770 A 800

771 - In the kingdom of baratinha there was a large banquet. Already in finalzinho the night, everyone is tired, a group of teenagers decided to separate from others and makes an extraordinary leader and says, companions, here we live in a hovel, there are hundreds of places out there where he is very rich in food abundance and better house than this poor and old. Let us find a house there in the rich and established. So that group of ten baratinha, ran out and vibrating in search of the dream mind. Found a house, huge, beautiful, spectacular. How wonderful that we told the enthusiastic baratinha. What was that beautiful house, that property, that area, nor seemed that the old house they lived. The first days were strange facts, two of the ten baratinha reach the other dying and dying mysteriously. The days passed and they are looking, looking, looking for food and found nothing. The floor was very clean and well washed. Hungry and not knowing what the demand increases, but the food they find are well packed and stored, whereas despair: going inside the house of them see a bit of food, eat fast and die and all are without knowing what it was . What was happening? When only five remained in the top ten once, began to remember the old house saying: Ah, here in our house was much food spread at the floor, every day was a new food and the nights festivities were amazing and even the call of the cheap house nearby. Cracks and we had plenty of legal loopholes and the old lady went home every day after we stuck with that and fluffy slippers. What was fun: it screamed up the furniture and breaking things in search of our champions in athletics. What was good and funny. Suddenly they see a bit of food at the corner of a wall. All are hungry and start to eat except the leader because they mistrust everything that was clean and only a small piece of food on the floor. Few minutes later they heard the warning that no leader of bad start to move and die. Leader is desperate to own and run by the middle of the house without knowing what to do, but had no place where she was hiding. Exhausted and no forces with a tremendous hunger she has dragged in the direction of his former home. As the distance was great she suffers even more. Finally she arrives and immediately on arrival with its low anteninhas see a piece of bread on the floor, brand new and fresh was the way she liked, but she had no more strength and die. Moral of the story: not everything that looks good is actually good, not every advantage is actually profit. Sometimes something seems prosperous and profitable, beautiful and chic. Could be, but for those who are in the system. What is good for someone may become completely hostile to me. Because sometimes we're in heaven and our eyes and see a place more beautiful than ours. Immediately asked to leave and when we arrived we noticed that there is a mirage, an optical illusion is really a desert, a hell, a death. Sometimes we do not have the strength to return. The very appearance deceives. Theologian joilson of assistance

772 - walking two beggars by a very long road. They were hungry and looking for a house to ask for alms, some food. Saw the two houses away, a large and beautiful and other poor and ugly. The first beggar said: I am leaving the vast middle. The other was small and ugly for the home. Was received by the owners of the house that gave him a bath and a large plate of food. Tired and happy the beggar out of the small house and still receive some frutinhas for the trip. He see his partner out of the big house handcuffed to catch the play in the car and taken prisoner. The appearance deceives more than all things. Theologian joilson of assistance

773 - Sometimes the simple things can give us more benefits than the things chic. The simple things in some circumstances and in favor of the very beautiful and complex than those of a stunning appearance. Theologian joilson of assistance

774 - In the world of things we are disposable and disposable cup that after sujam if you play in the garbage. In order to give the job of washing them. Not worth the effort. Theologian joilson of assistance

775 - This is the first and always suffer more than others. Theologian joilson of assistance

776 - Do not look at the wealth of others, look to their own poverty and what to do to get it. Admire the wealth of others and nothing says progress does not generate any. If glory is in the pocket of the other nonsense, as if some glory in the power, wealth in others as you would your own. Theologian joilson of assistance

777 - There are some churches full of people who are not full of God. Theologian joilson of assistance

778 - It is very easy step to be below that and some do not lose this opportunity. Theologian joilson of assistance

779 - The unknown always offered risks. Theologian joilson of assistance

780 - We lost a friend so expensive for something so insignificant. Theologian joilson of assistance

781 - For many psychologists are all crazy until they prove the contrary. Theologian joilson of assistance

782 - The look should be taken into account, since it is also important. Now this account must be linked to other considerations, analysis building upon other information. Theologian joilson of assistance

783 - Recognition after death is like taking a kiss sleeping. Theologian joilson of assistance

784 - When is clean, no stain is noted. Theologian joilson of assistance

785 - When the USA whip it loses much of its effectiveness. Theologian joilson of assistance

786 - There are many pastors that feed the sheep to him. And think they are devastated. Theologian joilson of assistance

787 - Sometimes raised in others what we would like to be or have. Theologian joilson of assistance

788 - The viewing angle determines the shape. Theologian joilson of assistance

789 - The capacity of decision and free will is the biggest prize that God gave to man. The capacity of decision, to choose the way, is what makes a man similar to God, its creator. Theologian joilson of assistance

790 - Many imitate the method, but forget to consider the environment where it was applied. The inadequate environment can compromise the method and success. This is why many fail using the method that others use and have been successful. Theologian joilson of assistance

791 - We seek progress aggressively. We have to use our aggression positively. Joilson Theologian of assistance

792 - The progress is very demanding. It is similar to a very demanding and desirable girl. To win it we have to adjust to taste it, do what is your pleasure, be always attentive to her, their whims and wishes. We must be very careful because the next stop, it can be achieved by other more attentive. Difficult, and sometimes it almost never fall for someone. Care has to be permanent. Theologian joilson of assistance

793 - Life without progress is no longer life and becomes existence. Theologian joilson of assistance

794 - Many do not just live there. Cida Aragon

795 - Life has intensity, speed and temperature. The label of these elements is called happiness. Theologian joilson of assistance

796 - primary needs - sometimes some apredem to exercise its primary needs in the way, those that all animals have. They work to eat and eat to work, repeating this circle until his death. We have to exceed the primary needs and use our minds to something more noble beyond the stomach and penis. Some were trained not to think, but this is the greatest glory a man can have in life, the greatest gift that God gave us was the ability to think and visit worlds inside and outside of us through the thoughts.
Theologian joilson of assistance

797 - Life has intensity, speed and temperature. The label of these elements is called happiness. Theologian joilson of assistance

798 - A person on top of a high hill throws a pebble down amid the snow. This pebble rolls with snow and becomes a big ball of snow that equate more and more. Vai toward a town and kills dozens of people. When the population questions which threw the pebble he says: I did nothing, only played a pebble not imagined that it would roll. Some hide behind the responsibility of a false naivety. This is not the fact of not knowing, but to provide the conseguências of their irresponsible attitudes. Because attitudes can generate simple outcomes of major proportions. Attitudes are like seeds that do not need a large size to generate a large tree. Theologian joilson of assistance

799 - The love between a man and a woman is so beautiful and beneficial it may have been invented by God. It is a rare thing and when it is found all to admire. Some die of rabies moved by envy. But like a good perfume that every note of its strong presence and subtle so is love, true love. Theologian joilson of assistance

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