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sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

know the mind and philosophies popular brasileira


1170 - Life without progress is a failure. Theologian joilson of assistance

1171 - Will the future look like heroes today elected. Note There are heroes in evil. Theologian joilson of assistance

1172 - In life we can not forget the details, but we should not call them because if they can make up crazy. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1173 - The spiritual world - the spiritual world is inhabited by angels and demons and it is an incredible drive. Although not see it exists and acts contributing to the world of matter which inhabit. It is similar to the air, we see, but there is. Have you stopped to think that we live the invisible? The air is invisible and is what sustains life on earth. Those demons that manifest name and announce that they are aliases that reveal your personality. Because although they are fallen beings like men, have personality and preferences. Work in different areas and follows a different hierarchy possessing angelic powers among themselves. These aliases show only areas of expertise and this is not his real name because the name is of angelic and no longer works because of the fall as the former Lucifer is currently identified by pseudonym that shows their intention: Satan, Hell, old snake etc. are only "name of war" as they say. Lock Street, Zé nobody, Pump turns, black are the names of old wars of varieties fallen angel. These names are revealed in their actions and only this. Because these demons operate in other countries with other names linked to the local language showing their area of expertise.
The biggest revelation of the area of activity of demons and his personality is the view where most of the time they come in the form of animals, as previously reported. Other examples not reported: Birds and the glaring goose means a spirit of disturbance (perhaps one Ze nobody) they are generally doing a small show. Are very striking and talk. May make the person fall in vice, but only in the area of disturbance. BODE - This view shows a PRINCIPALITY, ie, a demon prince who is in his world, a representative of the highest authority that Satan is in their world. It is an official of evil. Prince of Persia - was the devil who was prince of that region who tried to hinder the response of the prayer of Daniel. This is an elite that is only involved in issues of Elite. These rulers do not act like other demons that live in the disturbance in the mess. These princes (goats) are someone is subtle in his actions and is not much time in this person. Often act out and called SOPRO the ear. Its capacity is much higher than the other exercise order on them. Its action is addressed only the leadership and in spite of drunks and drug addicts to see its action is not with them, but members take care of poor and sometimes leads to the presence of the foreman as a demonstration site of work. These goats are responsible for entire regions, are heads of city. They have different personalities despite having the same position. This is why some places have a different kind of action, but with the same goal. Some of these goats like to use a variety, another Bode prefer another. As are certain officers who prefer warriors and determines how to fight. The hierarchy of evil is organized and the only thing that disrupts the church is through the action of the Holy Spirit. These princes of evil come to town as goats and live the plan to embarrass the leadership is religious, political, tribal etc. The image of these goats is for thousands of years by Indians and some people loved. Has anyone seen this goat, a tribal chief had the right to establish respect.
This is also the spiritual world through smell. This event is rare, but it happens and has several meanings. When they are fallen beings in their present form, is rare, are extremely ugly and his voice hoarse and dragged. May present in a beautiful, elegant, but its nature does not allow him to remain so for long. Some that do not belong to the elite of evil can even affect animals or stocking them. In very rare cases a principality can do so with the legion that follows. There are other principality of war planning, some demons of physical force that act only on other feelings. Them, the demons have the effect of area and is uncomfortable with the sunlight. Usually do underground caverns of a kind of office of evil, a mini quarter. On top of these offices is generally bad place "Haunted" heavy where you hear voices and to see figures. NOTHING CAN MAKE THIS ACTION AGAINST CHURCH and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The kingdom to which we belong is sovereign over all evil. However it said that the Bible tells us to watch and pray Caird not into temptation. The light of God be with us. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1174 - The subject is an expression of the spiritual, the visible to invisible. Perhaps the atom which is the subject is not invisible? The matter is derived from the spiritual, the invisible.
Theologian joilson of Assisi

1175 - Knowledge is like the awakening from a sleep. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1176 - We live the invisible, because the air is not seen. Have you stopped to consider that the atom and the energy, electrical discharges, and many other things is that we are invisible? Until your mind is invisible, but there is. We consist of many factors that act visibly invisible in us. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1177 - The responsibility does not depend on the maturity of age. It is a principle that is emphasized. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1178 - The aperfeiçoação needs time and the birds last generations to happen. It is like an organization of matter to create a situation for a purpose, a skill. Theologian joilson of assistance

1179 - The biggest concern should be the place that we go and not to the place we left.
Theologian joilson of assistance

1180 - We are eternal travelers: We are always venturing for new roads. Theologian joilson of assistance

1181 - We should not rely on the egg inside the chicken. Said pop
Our anxiety is very high and sometimes the count is still going with what exists, but in life there are thousands of accidents and contingencies that may hinder travel. I saw a businessman leaving the dubious strength of emotion and was evil. In all areas of life this lesson valid and avoids many problems. The fact that we do not risk everything becomes deserving of victory. We can not complain with the chicken egg because it has not. We have to act based on a certainty, based on any concrete fact and still imagine the leap of the cat is called a thing does not work. This is not lack of faith, because our strength is a rational faith. David took five stones from a stream that does not? Despite the victory of David from the Lord through his daring he was not a poor Joe, had been anointed king and was a force to kill a bear. God used your skills to give victory to him through his daring and faith. Let the sometimes doubtful for some is crazy.
Theologian joilson of assistance

1182 - The main power of a man is his hope. Theologian joilson of assistance

1183 - The hype is a disease. Theologian joilson of assistance

1184 - The principle of Aviv and return to the word of God the rest and emotionally. Church that lives fueled the floor, engaged in the eternal book. When the word of God makes no more effect on us is because we were caught by apostasy. Theologian joilson of assistance

1185 - Our life depends on our discipline. Discipline is the ability to obey the rules of order established. There is no order discipline. In all there is an order to those who want to live without it there is an order to comply. Theologian joilson of assistance

1186 - The anointing 11 - The anointing of God is something magnificent and enabler. This phenomenon is amazing, tremendous, is similar to physical materialization of the physical target. It is something divine: There is an anointing that staff can express in many areas of life, common to humans. A singer with his presence can express this action which I mean the staff and take over a large mass. A speaker can in the same way, to make a body feel its strength through its anointing staff. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1187 - Principles of emotional reactions - the reactions of which the call comes from a primitive species, type of disk that is formed with the sum of inherited parents covering grandparents, great-grandparents etc.. This hard drive is the principle of hereditary emotional reactions. The principle of this information is neither good nor bad, brings also the deformations of Eden. They (the information) and serve as basic behavioral principle of many feelings. Born with this information and the individual interact with the new information, sometimes the changing or being modified. On top of this base we can build a building of evil or good. The basis of the reactive temperament is this primitive principle of information, because many of our thoughts have no external principle, but is operated by a kind of instinct. The mental illness that has no direct in its principle of heredity is some fault in the hard disk which I am or in the transmission of such information. These weaknesses in REAÇÕES PRIMITIVO in my opinion is who cause schizophrenia and other diseases of the genus.
The Bible clearly shows the difference between demonic and lunatics, despite the demons cause loucuras not all crazy is actually possessed, sometimes it is caused by a failure, caused or not, the brain, because "neither the crazy errarão the way." The deformation behavior would have the principle that hard drive using the primitive feelings (self protection, sexuality, etc.). As a principle of strength of expression. The change in behavior is the most changed in the mind of feelings and these feelings are produced by a reaction of primitive feelings to one or more recorded information that is read unnecessarily thereby forming the lock that prevents harmony. The feelings "side" in this case would be mere fruits of primitive in some cases to cause the voltage to something so that sometimes after the moments have passed these feelings continue producing different reactions to the environment even without its manifestation. Example: A soldier subjected to a pressure too great and terrible fear during combat, years after his walks in quiet city, you can suddenly hiding behind a pole is protected from an enemy that does not exist. The information can be merged into primitive feelings reagents currently taking shape in human and spiritual. This information may be emerging from time to time as a flourishing old lamp flashing. More information in the book called the pastor Joilson Assisi: Liberation total. Or in the book the theory of the hard disk. These conclusions were reached after years of research in psychiatric hospitals, those problems in this area and different situations. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1188 - Sometimes the good memories hurt us both more. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1189 - The directors crazy. 11 We as a great way to avoid taking all possible care to advise us not crazy. Those who counsel without knowledge of the facts and truth are not able to advise yourself, the more those who seek it. These crazy advisers based on their ideas and concepts banal and absurd because of the actions of these people were harmed in the world and others are in currently. They have no authority or for themselves and the balance to be in counseling is by far. The adviser must be impartial and give advice for the benefit of the doubt that the action is written only one who received the board and not one that has. Some only listen to advice like that that fuel their intention. The advice for those not used to the weight of the action, but only as support.
See that big problem Reoboão son of the greatest scholar of all time caused when heard the advice of his advisers immature and rejected the advice of former counsel of his father Solomon. With the wrong Reoboão of Israel was divided thus facilitating the coming destruction of their enemies. Until today the days of the nation's wisest king of the world did not accept their strength. Your enemies have multiplied and their children to the present are very divided. There are people who advise them or something they want to get close and in play in a fire to test if it really burns.
The first action we must take before we recommend it to anyone looking for a GOOD COUNCILOR carefully. The counselor should be the area of the subject, because we should not advise with a mechanic about the construction of a house or a bricklayer on a motor car. The amazing of all is that people are able to advise a child of 10 years about his sex life and ask her advice. We must be careful not to advise people with immature or those who always act unwillingly not to generate future problems. Some are old and occupy positions of great importance in the church does not deserve trust, as they are not trained for this, there is prepared them for the area of counseling often use their negative experiences as the lock for those who listen. The directors are similar to projects that do not have the capacity required in your area will work and bring all the major losses. Many counselors crazy minister their nonsense and when things go wrong they jump out and those are advised to see their ships with many losses.
There are also counselors who are hypocrites those who advise them not to do something. Beware of hypocrites advisers with that guy from "poor", self-pity that play a hole in saying they are helping. Cause of death saying are doing well and use their many frustrations and wise advice. This class is the worst of them, since it is not easily identified. To avoid problems that sometimes is good to see several counselors after taking a conclusion. Avoid all the time and advise if there are matters which in its whimsy is not to be treated with strangers. J S

1190 - We destroyed the forests, animals, forests, biodiversity, polluted the rivers and air, destroyed the purity of the seas. Little by little destroyed everything and when we have nothing more to destroy to destroy the same. Man has a destructive character and becomes almost impossible to live in harmony with what God gave you. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1191 - anointing goes far beyond technique, is something that generates a kind of climate, the vibration that causes the others vibrate equal. It is similar to a light a certain color influence any environment. As we have some divine derivation of behavior and their feelings of which I might mention is a small imitation of something divine.
The demons also have a kind of anointing that manifests its presence. Ex: There are demons that its presence will cause deaths and other causes almost irresistible sensuality. The anointing is similar to an Aroma that comes with BE. The aroma has the demons that is different, but these flavors are extremely harmful. Nobody knows with certainty where it comes from the ability of the demons that I am sure is the fact that it exists believe it or not. Perhaps this kind of anointing there with these angelic beings before his fall in a magnificent and beautiful. She led the well being of any that comes close. With the fall smell that turned into rot and accompanying today. In some cases the beings of darkness do not need to do anything to disturb or even harm someone just stay close and disturbance will. It is similar to a vibration that tine as a bell and a glass of water that shakes.
The man fell also expresses an anointing fall, it is unbalanced and even hosting their clothes and homes. In some men this anointing is so small that not be seen and in others is almost impossible to hide it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit interacts with the anointing increasing staff, if good, destroying it is bad. "I folded the anointing of your spirit on me." Elisha said to the prophet Elijah. Elisha would not be better to ask God to direct coupling of high? The Spirit of which the prophet Elisha told it was the anointing. The anointing is a kind of personal property of the individual, because the property is a law that covers all the many. God help us improve this spiritual heritage through his Holy Spirit. The black anointing can be increased by Satan and his angels. Perhaps the existence of some individual anointing know when someone feels an impulse to immediately reject the negative and say: 'My mind was not with this person. Have others who are strangers and we like to do logo immediate friendship. Some darkly go and cause trouble in your presence, is like something hot or cold we feel the approximation. The anointing staff there is a fact. A kind of identification of the spiritual world within us and influence the environment. Positive or negative energy can come from within us the life feelings and intentions. Just as the words come out and influencing the environment these fumes also happen otherwise meta physical or energy. Since half of us is the spiritual home, many things come from within the soul are spiritual home of many, things that come from within the soul are of spiritual origin and influence the environment. This anointing was so great in the life of Elisha that their bones resurrected the dead. The anointing of God interacted with the anointing of Elisha which was written, recorded in the remains. The Spirit of God not lived in bones, but they brought the brand to the holiness of God. Comment on.
Theologian joilson of Assisi

1192 - The greatest blessing is to be a blessing. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1193 - Dynamism is the word that the main need of many. Some are dragging through life as if it were without power, but with all the force necessary action. Others spend twice the time needed to do something as live thousand years. Be dynamic and organized disturbance of the soul free. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1194 - Inconsistency - Some people have an incredible sense for the wrong. Some women are when relating to men's rights to understand that they do not meet when they leave the relationship even talking badly sometimes using them as something extraordinarily banal themes bad. But they are involved with the wrong people and irresponsible, they give value to these, Praise and defend as ever. Come to hide some errors they commit. In this same way some men who are madly searching for the wrong as a reward and value the more damaged than the immature green forgetting that, the immature and mature may be spoiled now have no way to be good. It is the incredible sense of the Inconsistency; known to recognize the good things is an act of great wisdom. But when some people are good and easy to handle and require other places all possible defects in them, but after going to the wrong and irresponsible they are and instead of requiring them to engage. For some people the wrong has more luck than the right or those who want to be fair, because the latter category lies far beyond the unreasonable demands of their forces, but those with no mind and deal with any situation they neglect the yes, it is praised and defended. Sometimes the truth is wrong and wrong is right, the beast is good and bad is what is moral, for this inconsistent. As the human being itself is difficult to understand.
Theologian joilson of Assisi

1195 - He who is of the mercy of others to survive is really poor, but one that has a self, even if small and fragile, with its limited resources, they are rich. Then draw the conclusion: Many rich and poor schmucks are many poor who are rich. Depend on the support of others and the kindness of others is an incredible hell flames. You think the other of these will depend on some priority to its conveniences? The human kindness is too limited and sometimes as quickly disappear. Between an ice cream for his daughter and a remedy for a dependent other than a family of many forget medicine and remember the ice cream for his daughter. We can not demand of others, attention to our convenience, look for independence, since any dependence generates constraints. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1196 - He who has no true love in life is a half trying to be an integer. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1197 - The soul has a love that grows with he who is called nostalgia. It helps to love you establish, you keep. She always appears when he is away and sometimes even uncomfortable. When this love dies the soul is disturbed for a long time and when you least expect to come up with their amazing and sometimes it is even difficult for an unwanted ghost exorcism. It also deters some attempt by a new love, but true love is not so fast like that. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1198 - The longing of the soul is love, when he dies is disturbing for a long time. Theologian joilson of Assisi

1199 - Many more profit from the mistakes of others than with their own successes. And many of these get used up and are cheering for someone unbalanced and Erre to take the situation. How many pastors have never had success in their own ministries, but have been tremendously benefited by the mistakes of others? How many politicians earned in this way and took the power because of the mistakes of others and not by their qualities. These vultures are rooting for a living and fresh meat to feed themselves. So this kind of prey does not work at all. Theologian joilson of Assisi

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